How to decorate a Japanese-style room

The Oriental decor is fashionable, especially from Asia and more specifically the Japanese . The clean, uncluttered look of the decor, with its simple design, based on minimalism makes it perfect to decorate our rooms. The decor creates a calm and quiet, now more than ever, comes great both physically and emotionally.

So let’s see tips and ideas to transform our living room into a lounge with a decor oriental style , quiet, relaxing, easy and very fashionable. A correct choice of colors is a good place to start our Japanese decor. Colors should be subtle, nothing flashy, nor strong, nor garish. neutral colors should prevail and all white . Other colors like green or brown evoke memories of nature are also suitable.

This decorative style is served a lot of natural elements such as wood, therefore, use wood floors is the right choice. Avoid using marble or mosaic tile or drawings. But while the stage or the parquet floors are the most recommended, they are not all colors, we must ensure that the platform is as close to the color of the land or natural wood.

Although we have covered the ground with the best of the platforms and the most recommended is never more adorn this ground. Like we do with our homes adorning floors with rugs, in this case is highly recommended to use tatami mats or Japanese, which are authentic woven straw mats in Japan.

Well the Japanese decor by relying on a minimalist style tends to decorate the walls with little or no object, so if we are to decorate the wall with some object, it is apt to be like a gong, katanas, kimonos, cherry blossoms and decorative objects that are typical of that culture, but never in excess.

If the rest of the furnishings, walls, floors, and fixtures, we have adhered to their customs, you also have to do with the table to create a totally original. Because if decoráramos entire room with Japanese style and then add a huge coffee table, high chairs with lots of flashy, we would not have achieved anything, so if we look for a table for this type of decoration, we opt for coffee tables , preferably wooden, simple, straight lines, and no additional adornment . If you want to be more accurate in choosing choose tables that are made ??of bamboo wood or cherry.

In our culture, have a chair, sofa and chairs in the dining room is the most common, indeed, if any, is when you become a rare event. But not in Eastern culture, so if you want completely ajustarte decorative style, forget about chairs, armchairs and sofas. Instead you can replace them with comfortable and large cushions and mats or carpets .

But if you refuse to use these seats eastern and certainly decide you need a chair, sofa and chairs, remember to choose chairs that fit the height of the table, armchairs and sofas simple straight lines , make every effort not to break the aesthetics of what we have achieved with all others and kept as pure as possible the Japanese decorative style.

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